Francesca Romano

francesca romano

Live in Rome.
I graduated in Singing at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Music in Rome in 1990.
Also in Rome I made my debut in a Baroque opera and sang in various concert halls and at the Auditorium. I sang in other Italian cities and then abroad both as a soloist and in chamber groups and choirs.
I participated in prose works interpreting roles as an actress in theater and on national television.
I have always felt that I am above all a researcher and a scholar and when my artistic side felt the need to “refine” the observer side of others, as well as of myself, I began to study psychology and sociology.

Teacher of voice and song, I like to define myself as an observer of the pedagogical and transformative processes that the human being carries out through the singing of his voice .
I obtained a master’s degree in Art therapy at Lumsa in Rome and one in Counseling at SIPEA in Rome.

I undertook the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine paying particular attention to the connection between Movements and Sounds and I participate in Ayurvedic medicine seminars.

I participated in master classes on Bioenergetics , on the Feldenkreis method , on the Rolfing method and I followed Yoga and Shiatzu courses.

I participate in Nader Butto’s seminars on ” Psycho-energetic therapies “, in Roberto Zucchelli ‘s quantum physics seminars and Roberto Zamperini ‘s seminars on subtle energies .

I was assistant at the faculty of communication sciences at Lumsa in Rome and at the faculty of psychology of La Sapienza.

I conducted group work at Prof. Mariarita Parsi’s psychotherapy studio and at the People’s University (UPTER).

In Cosenza I had the opportunity to collaborate with the Tai Yang-Loria natural medicine center and in Milan with the “Sapore del Sapere” holistic academy.

In Rome, teacher of the voice and singing course at the NUCT (New University of Cinema and Television in the Cinecittà studios), the Golden Theater, SIPEA . (Italian Society of Psychology, Education and Art Therapy Onlus) and at the Higher School of Linguistic Mediators (Gregorio VII).

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