Psycho-bio-resonance (PBR) observes and studies the effects of the resonance of the voice (spoken and sung) in psychophysiological structures.
This new discipline clearly indicates the terms within which it operates: Psycho, Bio and Resonance. It applies a practice, the result of decades of historical-scientific research and supported by a consolidated and encouraging experimentation , which uses the body resonance of one’s voice to “educate” the body and, consequently, the mind (in reverse of the axiom of education of the voice).
The PBR has proven to be valid for anyone who wishes to give a more stable balance and a firmer awareness to their person.
The voice and its sound waves that translate into vibrations and resonances, free from constraints, limits, physiological obstacles, may be able to induce the mind to free itself and regain the balance compromised by factors of various kinds.
The assumption is as follows: the body is made up of a very high percentage of water and bones, sound travels faster in water than in air and propagates by bone conduction; so the body behaves like a musical instrument , which vibrates when the voice speaks and even more so when the voice sings.
Not only the oral cavity, but the whole envelope-body is the sound box of the voice.
Psycho-bio-resonance is therefore a path towards the reprogramming of a body tool which is progressively distorted by muscular tensions.As soon as the voice is freed from constraints and impediments, one gives oneself a new opportunity to communicate as the impediments to the correct emission of one’s voice always derive from communication obstacles.
Using Psycho-bio-resonance therefore means starting a process of transformation, a path of personal knowledge that leads to experiencing sensations and emotions, since the use of the voice frees creativity and allows you to express your inner life in search of psychophysical balance. which may depend on the way you use your voice.
The journey of reconstruction of being begins with singing.
Singing, an immediate communication of feelings and emotions in the form of energy, is the most natural way to learn to listen to oneself and recognize one’s own vital force.
as teachers, voice actors, journalists, psychologists, managers and lecturers.
as actors, singers and artists in general.
e.g. stuttering, anxiety about public speaking etc.
who want to learn to discover themselves through the correct use of their voice.
to the healing power of the sounds of one's own voice and wishes to experience them personally and with others.
as teachers, voice actors, journalists, psychologists, managers and lecturers.
as actors, singers and artists in general.
e.g. stuttering, anxiety about public speaking etc.
who want to learn to discover themselves through the correct use of their voice.
to the healing power of the sounds of one's own voice and wishes to experience them personally and with others.
(+39) 328 8141048
(+39) 328 8141048
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